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Slideshow-w-capsWelcome to our world of questions and answers about the Bahá’í Faith. Since each one of us has different life experiences, we invite you to discover your own journey.

Click at left for the full Heart to Heart slideshow, or choose a personalized “Conversation Portal” below for sample slides on special topics.

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  1. Jacqueline

    Dear friends, I live in French Guiana, South America and await eagerly the French version of your slide shows! Thank you so much for making this available.

    1. Gary Matthews

      Thank you, Jacqueline. We’ve been more than thrilled by the international response to this site, and we are working to make it accessible in as many languages as possible. French is very important! It can’t happen soon enough for my taste.

      As a child, I lived in France for three years with my parents, during which time I spoke the language well. As an adult I lost most of that. Several years of studying French in college never really restored my former fluency. But I always will love French — one of the richest, most melodious of tongues. We’ll do our best to grant your wish.

    2. Zabine Van Ness

      Hi Jacqueline

      I want you to feel assured that French is done up to slide 500 out of 700. It all takes time and we always need more help. It will be still a while, but soon French will be available! In the end it takes longer than anticipated.

      Thanks for sharing your desires with us.

      Zabine Van Ness

  2. Julianna

    What you and others have done for this site is just plain boggling. I so love it all and thank you for your tireless love to create something so awesome. I hope that I will get the chance to introduce someone else to the Faith with a little bit slower pace and greater understanding. That it can be a panacea, as long as we look to the Writings since none of us is perfect.

    No one ever said it would be easy. It’s a daily choice. I know that I have been having some difficulties lately and then my good friend, Zia, reminds me of a few words and thankfully I go right back where I needed to be. I love this Faith so much. I really don’t know that I would be much more then a puddle had it not been for the Baha’i Faith during the last 13 years.

    So wish I could meet you one of these days.

    1. Gary Matthews

      Thanks, Julianna. I can relate especially to your yen for “a little bit slower pace and greater understanding”. To learn is to absorb and understand concepts in their logical sequence — not information overload! It also means accompanying — and being accompanied by — those we love on that endless journey.

      As to meeting: Does Skype count? This site’s contact page has a “Skype status” button that shows whenever Zabine, the primary creator of Heart to Heart, is online. Click it and you can talk with her, face to face. Or just look her up on Facebook!

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